Monday, November 16, 2009

Organization Goals for this week (11/8/09) Updated

#1 Sort through two shelves of wire shelving unit. See if I can get rid of some stuff.

What? No #2? Nope! I really could stand to have ten organization goals each week but I just don't have time right now. One is better than nothing ~ so much better. My home improvement goals really are organization goals too, especially the first two. It's hard to be organized in an unfinished house! That's not sufficient excuse and it is not the cause of all my organization problems, but it certainly is a big factor. Someday I hope to have a place to hang my robe so that it's not just draped over something. Draping is not really an ideal storage method and I would like to eliminate it!

Weeeeeel . . . I ended up doing the whole shelving unit plus all the clothing drawers in another unit! It was much easier than I thought it would be. Sometimes things are. I ended up with four empty shelves in the shelving unit, two of which I have filled up with other things.

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