Friday, October 16, 2009

Organization Goals This Week (10/11/09) UPDATED

I've decided to stick with just one organization goal this week. I could have a great many (but they wouldn't get met!). Some things that should be done cannot be done right now. Then there are the other things I might want to do for which I am the reason they wouldn't get done. Well, I am a factor, and a significant one at that! I don't think it would be wise to take on many organization goals with so many other projects I must be working on this week.

So . . . .

I intend to find my file boxes, choose one which contains files I never use and that might just as well be stacked in a box along with other papers I never use that are awaiting sorting or better storage, work up a storage system in the file box for sewing patterns, then see if I like it. My patterns are just everywhere. I cannot live this way and by this time next year if I do not come up with a storage system I shall have to move out of my bedroom. I think a pattern storage system would be much more practical. So, this is the first idea I have had that I thought might really work. We'll see!

Find file boxes . . . . Done!
Choose one . . . Done!
Empty it . . . Done!
Work up a storage system . . . . Done!

I filed all the pattern pieces that were in the way. I do have a few more I will add, perhaps, next week.

I could only find five empty hanging file folders and three tabs. Still, I put each pattern in its individual manila folder and put it in the file box. I think I do have some more empty hanging folders somewhere, along with tabs. I would like to have everything labeled but this will do for now!

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