Saturday, March 27, 2010

Is a Hope Chest Practical?

Is a Hope Chest Practical?

I think it can be. Or it might not be.

One factor that determines its practicality is the woman who possesses it.

One argument against its practicality might be that it doesn't make sense to store things in a hope chest waiting for some phase of your life which may or may not come, while you need those very items to establish your own household now. Why save all the pretties for later?

But not every woman establishes her own household before she is married. Many women choose to stay with their parents until they are married. For those who leave home before they are married a hope chest may not be practical.

Another factor that determines whether or not a hope chest is practical is what kind of hope chest it is. A traditional hope chest may not meet your needs and if it doesn't it isn't practical for you.

Some women, for example, might only want to collect dishware and feel perfectly free to use it in the mean time if they want to. While that isn't traditional, it may be practical. If you need to be untraditional with it in order to make it practical, that's okay. It is possible to keep the spirit of the hope chest while doing this.

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