Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Girlhood Challenge of the Month: March 2010

The girlhood challenge of the month is similar to the womanhood challenge of the month but is designed for girls under eighteen years (whereas the womanhood challenge is for about mid-teens and upward). It doesn't really have a lower limit so if you are a mom or big sister you can help your young daughter or sister meet the challenge if you'd like to.

This month's challenge is about cooking and has four parts.

#1 Choose to learn to cook. Choose to become a good cook, starting now, and to, throughout your life, lovingly, faithfully, and cheerfully prepare and serve satisfying and healthful meals (although not necessarily fancy ones) for your family. Your attitude toward cooking and toward those you cook for is more important than your actual cooking skills. Your comittment to becoming a good cook has nothing to do with whatever interest you may or may not have in cooking.

#2 With your mother (or whoever is in charge of you and of cooking), make a plan for how you can take a regular part in planning, preparing, serving, and cleaning up after meals (this is obviously a very small part for little girls!).

#3 Cook something this month. It doesn't have to involve actual cooking or baking, but it does have to involve the preparation or serving of food. Choose something appropriate for your skills and abilities. Little girls may just learn to make toast (in a toaster) or stir food without spilling it. Older girls and teenagers, however, should be able to do more even if they have no real cooking experience.

#4 Share what you are doing to meet the challenge. You can share in the comments or leave directions to your blog posts.

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