Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Letting someone else speak for a change

And I quote:

Interior Decoration, as I intimated before, is not just one's artistic efforts, but is that which your home (even if it is just a room) is. If you are 'decorating' with clothes draped on every chair, with scratched or broken furniture--it is still your interior decoration! Your home expresses you to other people, and they cannot see or feel your daydreams of what you expect to make in that misty future, when all the circumstances are what you think they must be before you will find it worthwhile to start. You have started, whether you recognize that fact or not.
--Edith Schaeffer, The Hidden Art of Homemaking


Crystal said...

Yikes...I am still trying to get a handle on my room. I have stuff that I can't figure out what to do with but I don't want to get rid of, I have clothes over flowing out of the laundry basket because laundry is not top priority until I start running out of socks and underwear and I have books and papers all over. I am really getting frusterated with this and it's not the "decorating" I want to be known for.

hopeful said...

LOL I'm not the best decorator either. But I am getting better! :-)

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