Friday, September 23, 2005

To all the fair maidens . . .

. . . who are waiting for your knights in shining armor.

Reasons your knight in shining armor may never take you away to the land of happily ever after.

1. You live such a cloistered life that no one knows you exist
2. You don't look like a fair maiden
3. You don't act like a fair maiden
4. You really aren't a fair maiden
5. He came, but you were too busy chatting with the rogues
6. You were so caught up in your work that you didn't notice him when he came
7. You don't really know what a knight in shining armor looks like, so you won't recognize him when he comes
8. Because you don't know what a knight in shining armor looks like, you end up going away with someone else before he even shows up
9. He's taking too long. You're getting old. Anything is better than nothing, right?
10. You know just what you want and you know just how it's going to be and you love to dream about it. So much so that when he walks by you on his noble steed while you are gazing up into the sky dreaming about "someday" you give "that rude man" a tongue-lashing for carelessly interrupting your fantasy.


Rebekah said...

Oh my!

I wonder if I look/act like a fair maiden? I am quite certain I know what a night in shining armor looks like...I think my most besseting fault would be #10.

This list makes waiting for my prince seem such a dreadfully complicated affair--do reassure me.

I am a friend of Crystal's, and was led here to your lovely site from hers. Your theme is quite remarkable, and, might I say it, quite commendable. You, my dear, are just my cup of tea.

Do visit me at:

hopeful said...

Thank you for visiting, Rebekah. I actually visit you quite often, in secret. I enjoy your writing. :-)

I don't always look and act like a fair maiden. I'm afraid I sometimes look a bit disheveled, and act accordingly, but I am improving. I hope that if my knight in shining armor comes in the near future that he will pause long enough to determine that, yes, I am in fact a fair maiden despite the fact that I have not yet reached perfection. I shall continue to improve myself, though, of course. I expect him to be of such a worthy character that he will more than deserve it!

I think #1 would be my biggest problem. And, of course, 2 and 3, and 6, and 10.

I make everything a dreadfully complicated affair. :-) Waiting, is, I think, fairly simple, though not always easy. Making the right choice as to who to marry can be complicated, but it is of great importance. It is simplified greatly if we begin early to know ourselves and to know what is right and good. Getting ready for one's prince is neither altogether simple nor altogether easy, but it's fun so it all evens out. I'm not sure if I have reassured you or not. Do take heart. :-)

I'm glad you like my site. I hope that I can be a blessing to others, and that they, in turn, can be of benefit to me in filling my hope chest. One could, simply wait (keeping oneself occupied, of course), I suppose, for one's knight in shining armor, but that would not be right, I don't think. When it comes to my prince, I want the best. It's only right and fair, then, that I strive to BE the best.

Crystal said...

Interesting list of reasons...
For sure #1 is not my problem! Might have some issues with 2-4, not exactly sure what a fair maiden "looks, acts" like.
I would add one more to the list based on my personal struggle:
#11. You know what you want and might even see it out there but your fear stops you from accepting that you might be worthy of his attentions.

hopeful said...

Hmmmm. Yes, good one, Crystal. Fear you aren't worthy of his attention. You know, I'm suprised I didn't think of any reasons that were associated with fear, considering that "fear" my so-called middle name. :-)

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