Sunday, September 25, 2005

The Question Is . . .

. . . what should I post about? It's not that I have no ideas. I have many ideas, I just need some guidance. Or perhaps the fact that I have so many ideas is the reason I need some guidance. So, my readers, what would you like to hear about?


Crystal said...

I don't know so far everything has been have been putting my blogging to shame but it's all good and I am glad you are part of the fun now!

hopeful said...

I probably have a lot more time on my hands TO blog, being at home all the time. :-) My job is not taking up much time right now. I do have other obligations, of course, but writing is very high on that list right now!

I am glad you have found everything interesting. Please do comment freely. I'm starved for conversation! I'm going to start talking to myself. ;-)

What am I saying? I ALREADY have conversations with myself! Hehehe. It's nice to get other people's opinions though.

~ Notes ~

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