Thursday, January 13, 2011

Learning and Growing: Curriculum, Classes, and Clubs

This post/re-post is a resource list designed to aid in the education of women in homemaking and womanhood lines, particularly in keeping with the purpose of The Hope Chest. You can always find all of my resource lists in the sidebar.

I don't necessarily endorse these sites in their entirety. In fact, some of them I may not endorse at all! They are here because I believe they are useful for educational purposes.

Future Christian Homemakers  

Training Our Daughters to be Keepers at Home by Ann Ward. Seven-year curriculum for girls in book or CD format. Do a search for "training our daughters to be keepers at home" and you will find sources and reviews.

Home Economics for Home Schoolers series.

Hope Chest Society

The Book of Household Management by Mrs. Isabella Beeton ~ an old book available for free here.

American Woman's Home by Catherine Esther Beecher and Harriet Beecher Stowe  ~ an old book available for free here.

Home Economics I and Home Economics II curriculum by Christian Light Publications.

Self-Made Scholar ~ has a list of free classes and a list of self-education resources. 

Teaching Good Things ~ Equipping Families with Practical Skills for Life

New! Here's something that may help. Below are links to high school/college/university departments, programs, course catalogs, etc. that may be helpful in planning your study. They are both Christian and secular, public and private ~ just whatever I have found that might provide ideas, inspiration, and guidance, whether you are planning a homeschooling program, independent study college program, or just a personal education study program. These links do not include homeschool curriculum. Look at the courses offered, and if possible, actual course descriptions.

Oakwood College Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

Virginia Tech ~ Department of Human Development

App State ~ Family and Consumer Sciences.

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Content copyright (c) 2005-2011 Christina A. Huffman /Keeping Home. Theme graphics copyright (c) 2007 Pat's Web Graphics All photographs are copyrighted. Do not take them or link directly to them without my permission.