Thursday, January 13, 2011

Learning and Growing: Clothing the Family

TThis post/re-post is a resource list designed to aid in the education of women in homemaking and womanhood lines, particularly in keeping with the purpose of The Hope Chest. You can always find all of my resource lists in the sidebar.

I don't necessarily endorse these sites in their entirety. In fact, some of them I may not endorse at all! They are here because I believe they are useful for educational purposes.

Sub Sections
Inspiration and Learning for Women/about women's clothing ~  List of good places for just viewing styles of clothing for women (good for helping you figure out what you like and don't like, will wear and won't wear). These are sites I have found helpful in my study. New!

Inspiration/Learning about Men's Clothing ~ Resources for learning about men's clothing. New!

Inspiration/Learning about Girls' Clothing ~ Good places for just viewing styles of clothing for girls. Good for helping you figure out what types of clothing you would approve of your daughters wearing and possibly what types of things you'd like to learn to make.  Also, if you're still in girlhood, these might be just as helpful as the women's list(s)! This is for all ages of girls. New!

Inspiration/Learning about Boys' Clothing ~ Good places for just viewing styles of clothing for boys. Good for helping you figure out what types of clothing you would approve of your sons wearing and possibly what types of things you'd like to learn to make.  This is for all ages of boys. New!

Related Posts

Learning and Growing: Sewing

Clothing Care

Home Comforts: The Art and Science of Keeping House~ It's a big book: get the hardback edition if you can. Extensive section on textiles and laundering. She also has a separate book on laundering, called Laundry: The Home Comforts Book of Caring for Clothes and Linens. I'm not sure exactly what it contains but I'm sure it's good.

Modesty-related Resouces A variety of modesty-related resources ~ could be any aspect of modesty for anyone (and I may or may not agree with it).  
Modesty Matters One woman's thoughts on the subject. It has been so long since I read it that I don't remember what she said, but I remember is being useful in my study.

The Rebelution: The Modesty Survey ~ This is the original announcement for the survey. I see there are links to other posts about the survey in the sidebar.

Feelin' Feminine ~ ministry   New!

Other Aspects of Dress
Resources related to other aspects of dress, such as femininity, comfort, healthfulness, durability, simplicity, convenience, etc. 

Feelin' Feminine ~ ministry   New!

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