It's time to get practical! Well, it's all practical, but it's time for our virtues to get their hands dirty. K? Or clean, as the case may be. In this case I think it must be a little of both, 'cause we're doing laundry!
These are some virtues I thought of that we need for the job of laundry (there are probably a lot more).
Perseverance--for the never-ending nature of laundry.
Love--You need a good dose of this when your family members neglect to pick up their dirty clothes, neglect to clean out their pockets (can you hear me growling here?), neglect to put their clean laundry away. . . and get clean and dirty clothes mixed up so you have to wash the clean ones again.
Patience--And patience goes right along there with it!
Faithfulness--Faithfulness has a lot to do with any chore, but especially with chores like laundry that tend to get neglected (and be disliked). Of all of the housekeepers I know, laundry is the most complained about chore! Alas, it must be done. Personally, I kind of like the chore, but it is a big job. I do my family's laundry and I try to be faithful with it (speaking of which . . . ).