Friday, June 18, 2010

Well, maybe the ironing board cover is more urgent than I thought. . . .

See Challenge: Do Something Laundryish for the background to this post.

My ironing board cover does have a hole in it but I can live with that. Yesterday, though, I was cutting out a baby item on it and layed the fabric out over the hole (I usually try to avoid it if I can but sometimes I forget).

As I cut around that end of the pattern piece I knew I had to be careful around the hole. I thought I made it okay but then the fabric felt a little thicker than before. . . . Yep. When I lifted up the piece to check, there was a neat little cut!

I had better be extra careful from now on or I will need a new cover long before I am able to make one!

1 comment:

Weaveron Textile said...

very nice your project. Thanks for sharing it...:

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