Friday, October 31, 2008

ABCs of me

abcs meme

This WAS hard! I tried to keep it on the positive side. I didn't think anyone would want to read a list of twenty-six faults I have!

Always leaning on God for everything
Bursting with ideas
Devoted to country living
Homemaker at heart
Intent on blessing others
Jesus follower
Little known and seldom seen
Nearly thirty
Reclusive (to a point)
Social (in my own way)
Temperance advocate
Yearning for so much


Krystal said...

W = Writer...

Ah, a person after my own heart! :)

Krystal (commenter from A Pondering Heart)

Anonymous said...

:) That was interesting.... I think this was well put:
Reclusive (to a point)
Social (in my own way)

Me too!

hopeful said...

Thanks for stopping by, both of you. We do learn a lot about each other with things like this, don't we?

MJ ~ I like being alone but I crave social connection. I do not crave being around other people, rather, I crave the exchange of ideas, the connection of mind with mind, the periodic company of kindred spirits.

Anonymous said...

Hi! My name is Phylicia and I found your blog through Rachel's. I couldn't help but LOVE your 'about' writeup in the corner, because you sound exactly like me! I am somewhat younger than you, but also a 'pants-wearing feminine dresser' and a 'stay at homee (by choice) homeschool and *almost* college graduate'. You are ahead of me here, but it sounds like I am on my way to where you are! Stop by sometime!
In Him

hopeful said...

Phylicia, I just commented on your blog, but thought I'd respond here too.

I don't feel as grown up as I am ~ but I do hope I act as grown up as I am. :-)

I'm curious as to how you dress femininely. What do you wear and not wear? I don't think I've ever met anyone who described herself as "a pants-wearing feminine dresser" so I am interested in, as I told Miss Jocelyn above, "the exchange of ideas, the connection of mind with mind, the periodic company of kindred spirits".

I am not entirely happy with the way I dress. I mean, I obviously don't wear men's clothing or try to dress in masculine styles, but I would like to dress more femininely sometimes. It's not, for the most part, a moral need, just a desire to celebrate womanhood and dress in a more interesting way.

~ Notes ~

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