Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Memorization With Motherhood In Mind

I have thought for years that if I was a mother I would want to be able to sing lullabies and other songs, and repeat choice bits of poetry and prose to and around my children. It has also occurred to me that in order to someday do this I must first know about these things and memorize them. Imagine that!

I have wanted to do this for so long but just now it has become a practice, not a wish. I am now memorizing with motherhood in mind!

To start me off, I have a book (that I bought years ago) called A Child's Garden of Verses: A Collection of Scriptures, Prayers, & Poems, featuring the works of Robert Louis Stevenson and the art of Thomas Kinkade (published by Tommy Nelson). I am memorizing something of a religious nature and something not particularly of a religious nature (I may not always be able to do this--I fear that good selections not of a religious nature will be in shorter supply).

I am also going to try to put up a sidebar of my memorization choices.


Anonymous said...

I'm not a mother yet, but I think that is a very good idea. Many blessings in your endeavours!

Also, thank you for stopping by and offering your words of encouragement (er sympathy!). They were appreciated, and it's nit to meet you!


hopeful said...

Hello, Miss Jocelyn. I thought I replied already, but I guess not! Thank you for stopping by my blog. I'm so glad I have finally gotten around to doing this memorization thing ~ it's fun!

~ Notes ~

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