Friday, March 20, 2009

Learning New Skills

DearMother mentioned today that some folks on a homesteading-type forum she reads are doing a skill-a-month challenge. Participants learn one new skill each month (that they have been wanting to learn).

That sounds like something I need to do (I'm afraid I would fail though ~ I'll think about it next month). This idea got me thinking about what skills (or other things) I would like to learn. Now, bear in mind that even though this is in writing it's not a commitment of any kind. It's just ideas!

I would like to learn:

How to start seeds ~ veggies and seeds. I've done it, but not by myself. If I had to do it by myself I would be a wee bit lost.

How to knit. I tried to learn when I was little, but frankly I prefer crocheting so it didn't really take off. Knitting and crocheting aren't completely interchangeable so I'd like to know both.

Soap making. Why not? :-) Actually, since I use liquid soap, I need to learn how to make that.

How to make rye bread ~ light with caraway (I've made a dark rye).


If I wasn't hungry I'd probably be able to think of a dozen more!


Anonymous said...

Hi Christina-

I saw your post over at the mompack and decided to come check out your blog. I personally think that learning 'new' skills is what keeps us young in the mind and is what molds us into who we are in later years. It is also a great way to meet new friends!
Blogging is rather new to me and is a 'new' skill that I am trying to perfect.
You have a great blog. Please feel free to check out my blog too at

Lisa Verde
Kidcessory Haven

hopeful said...

I think learning new skills is good for the brain too. Maybe I really should try to learn a new skill this spring!

~ Notes ~

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