Monday, July 02, 2007

Last Week's Theme

This should be this week's theme but I didn't get around to posting when the theme was current!

Last week's weekly theme (which is a new thing I've started) was the kitchen. I did some researching and planning in preparation for learning to cook the things I want to know how to cook. I decided to try making pancakes and picked out a recipe, but didn't make them until Sunday evening. They turned out well and that recipe will be going into my recipe collection for my hope chest. I'm not sure what is next, but since this week's theme is not the kitchen and I am very busy, I may not try another recipe this week. We shall see.

I also made a "lid lifter." A lid lifter is something I have recently decided needs to exist. It's a small, thin potholder use to lift lids off pots or hold spoons that are too warm to comfortably touch but not hot enough to demand more insulation. The smallness and thinness of the lid lifter makes it easier to grip things with. I made one out of leftover cotton yarn. It turned out larger than I anticipated so I hope to make the next one smaller.


Crystal said...

Ah she lives and redid her blog look! I like it! The lid lifter sounds intersting. At this point in my life my weekly theme is survive organic chemistry but I do try and fit in a few things more practical like blueberry picking a tiny bit of cooking and I have been happily drying food for camping and backpacking which has been fun.
Haven't been in touch in far too long...must work on that.
How's the book coming? I will be done with my class in a few weeks so I would like to read more of it during my break and this time I promise to actually give you feed back if you will give me a second chance. sniff, sniff...I am such an awful friend.

hopeful said...

Hey! It's good to hear from you. It has been awhile--although I have been able to keep up with you on your blog.

The book is coming slowly--especially the publication part. Now would be a good time to pray that some publisher (the right one) will like it!

Don't worry, you're not my only "awful friend." *grin*

~ Notes ~

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