Friday, April 21, 2006

A Beautiful Woman

Beauty, specifically the physical beauty of a woman, is a difficult topic. On the one hand, there are those who are too busy or careless to attain beauty, do not appreciate beauty, or even consider all beauty vain and sinful. On the other hand, are the much more common problems, which are twain:

  1. The misunderstanding of what true beauty is

  2. The misunderstanding of the value and place of beauty

Between the right hand and the left, is a beautiful woman.

A woman who is truly beautiful.

A woman who appreciates beauty as God designed it to be.

A woman who does not idolize beauty.

A woman who does not gauge her value by her beauty

A woman who does not expect or allow others to determine her value by her beauty.

A woman who does not gauge the value of other women by their beauty.

A woman who will not sacrifice principle for beauty.

A woman who will not sacrifice principle because of beauty.

A woman who will not use her beauty for selfish or evil purposes.

A woman one who does not place the value of physical beauty above the beauty of her heart, mind, character, and life.


Crystal said...

Physical beauty is really in the eye of the beholder and is truely skin deep. It can be wipped out by age, by accident, or attitude.

Closely tied to our views on beauty and attractiveness is our view of body image and sexiness. There are many girls, in conservative circles especially, that have this very mixed up and when they get married still have the idea that beauty should just stop with a nice dress and a pretty face and a good character. They are horrified that anyone would think of them as alluring or sexy and can not let go of the ideas such as beauty is not about looks but character, we are not to show off our bodies, good girls don't think of themselves as sexy, being comfortable with your body is wrong, etc.

A beautiful woman is truely one with principles, modesty, and proper deportment but at the same time is comfortable with her body, recognizes the allure that she has been given by having a femine body and when the time is right will be comfortable sharing her allure, passion and body with her husband. I have heard far too many stories of christian girls with the whole modesty, sweet, pretty thing down pat and then when they get married they are shocked that their husband wants to see them naked and that their husband is atracted to their body and thinks of them in the same sentence as sex.

Such a delicate balance here and I agree with all the points about beauty that you brought up just had to put in my two cents. Hope I did not shock or offend you.

hopeful said...

Good points, Crystal. I think sometimes we are afraid of physical beauty--or at least afraid to consider it important. I think it is God's will that women try to be as beautiful as they can in every way for their husbands.

Everything is a balance, isn't it? Hence "the narrow way" and "turn not to the right hand nor to the left" (Proverbs 4:27). :-) Some things are more delicate, this one being one of them, as you said. I'm not sure I fully understand it. I appreciate your comments. Your two cents plus my two cents . . . well, maybe it will all add up eventually. ;-)

I really think we need to try to be beautiful anyway. We are supposed to glorify God in everything and it doesn't really glorify God to always go around looking as if we "just crawled out from under a rock" so to speak. :-)

Crystal said...

"We are supposed to glorify God in everything and it doesn't really glorify God to always go around looking as if we "just crawled out from under a rock" so to speak." How very true! Couldn't have said it better myself! :-)

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