Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Christmas Giveaway

So, obviously I'm spending most of my time somewhere other than The Hope Chest! I'm sorry about that, as The Hope Chest does have the potential to be useful, but Keeping Home is a worthy cause too.

And now about the giveaway. It's . . . on Keeping Home's blog (of course!). Until 12/15 you can enter to win a Christmas instrumental guitar CD. Audio previews included so you can see if you like it first. DON'T WAIT! VISIT TODAY! (Sometimes I just can't be serious when I'm tired!). But seriously, please do visit. I'd appreciate it! :-)

~ Notes ~

Content copyright (c) 2005-2011 Christina A. Huffman /Keeping Home. Theme graphics copyright (c) 2007 Pat's Web Graphics All photographs are copyrighted. Do not take them or link directly to them without my permission.