Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Theme for the Week of August 26, 2007

Another room theme—or rather, multiple rooms. This week's theme is the cleaning closet and other storage facilities (reminds me of my unfinished closet again!).

Good storage facilities are a necessity, but so are good storage habits. While one must have “a place for everything” in order to keep “everything in it's place,” having a place for everything won't do any good if things are not put away. This is a reminder to me! As I acquire better storage facilities (which I desperately need) I must make sure that I use those facilities and squash all lazy habits. This is so important for marriage preparation as well. I wish I could impress every girl with the necessity of forming habits of neatness!

Another thing I have been thinking about in reference to this week's theme is housecleaning and its associated storage. I would love to have a nice cleaning closet in my home (or several)! I don't know whether I will or not, but again, a nice cleaning closet by itself would not make a clean house. I need . . .

The right attitudes

The right knowledge

The right skills

The right habits

The right tools

And preferably, the right home (some dwelling places are simply easier to clean and keep clean than others).

I think I have mostly the right attitudes ( I would have to, to be writing a positive post about housecleaning!). I'm lacking in the right knowledge though. I want my cleaning methods to be safe, effective, and economical. I hardly think every cleaning agent available is safe, but I simply don't know what is and what isn't. I think I must have an enormous amount of research to do in this area (and they say homemaking squashes women intellectually—this is not squashing me, this is stretching me!). The right skills? Truthfully, I'm a terrible floor mopper. This is something that I would prefer not to remedy until I am married. The right habits? Ahem. Moving on . . . . Now, for the right tools. This is a subject that interests me greatly. One's tools make a difference in one's ability to perform one's work. The tools need not necessarily be expensive (one of the most useful tools is a toothbrush) but they must be quality, durable, and truly useful. I don't suppose I will be collecting brooms or mops or anything like that in my hope chest, but I have seriously considered collecting cleaning cloths.

Most of all, though, I must fully embrace the virtues of neatness, order, and faithfulness in the little daily duties of life. May God help me, for I will surely need it!

~ Notes ~

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